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it's a journey of continuous support, connection, and growth

Experiencing how Daymond goes out of his way to form a connection with every single entrepreneur in the room, both during the workshop sessions and after hours, is nothing short of inspiring. You can see that he is truly dedicated to fostering meaningful relationships.

What makes it even more special is knowing that you will never have an opportunity to spend time with Daymond like this anywhere else.

That's what sets this Mastermind apart-it's not just a learning experience; it's a journey of continuous support, connection, and growth.

learn from legends

Rise Nation Mastermind is where you get to sit and learn from legends.

To be able to pick the brains of Ryan Deiss, Roland Frasier, and then none other than the People's Shark, is absolutely amazing.

Daymond John has already provided so much information to help level up my business, my career, myself, just my understanding of business as a whole.

If you're not in this room, you're missing out on probably one of the most golden opportunities to be able to learn from the best.

The experiences that we get from this group really help us grow our businesses.

One of the key things that a lot of Masterminds don't do, is create intimacy. That's why this group is incredibly amazing.

Being a part of this group where everybody gets to know each other a little bit more is really incredible and absolutely helpful.

The experiences that we get from this group really help us grow our businesses.

The caliber of people in this room is amazing

I'm a member of several Masterminds, but this group is just incredible. The caliber of people in this room is really amazing.

I really think it's important as a business owner to get in rooms with people who are at the next level, who are a few steps ahead of you, so you can share ideas and learn from them.

It's like a shortcut to success.

This IS Different…

At the first event, I was just taking it all in didn't know what to expect, didn't know if it was just going to be like every other business event, or whatnot. But let me tell you, this event is a huge difference. It’s a game changer and I am so glad I joined.

This is the right room

There's a saying that, if you're the smartest one in the room, you're in the wrong room. And it's been a good reminder that at least I am in the right room.

Experience & Wisdom

My business partner texted me during the event and was like, so how was it so far? I immediately responded and said that this Mastermind was completely different to the rest that we’ve been to. I really value being around people that are more experienced and have more wisdom than me.

The Highest Value Mastermind

I've been to all the major business Masterminds... and this is by far the highest value Mastermind for 7, 8, and 9-figure entrepreneurs.

I came in here with the biggest challenge that was preventing my business from growing and just that first morning, it was immediately solved.

It's not just the advice here, but the resources and watching how others get their challenges solved. I learned just as much, if not more, from hearing others approach their business problems as well. And even if we have radically different businesses, we have such similar challenges.

It's been such a game changer.